2008년 9월 3일 수요일

a path

(click hereand open the song first)

Leita in the wind sketch

Leita in the wind inked.

This is my friend Leita.She had stayed in Korea for 2 years and left yesterday.
She's a kind of person who I wanted to be.
She calls herself a global warrior-She's a traveller who has a dream.
I don't know when she will be able to read this blog but I just wanted to say here.
I was listening to the CDs she made for me today and realized I wanted to draw her.

I wish you the best.
And I will always look forward to hearing from you and your stories about new worlds.
And someday,I hope to see you again.It'd be great if it's not in Korea.hahaha.

take care,girl!
(Her blog link is on the left.named Leita in Korea)

ps-This is one of my favorite Korean song,by Lee Tzsche.
She ruled my early 20s.Lee Tzsche was my idol.
I thought of the song while I was drawing Leita.
There's a path in front of us.

댓글 2개:

ortho :

Cool post! Thanks for sharing! I like your blog very much! I'm an Aquarius too!

skitsch :

oh thank you too!
when is your birthday?!
(I'm going to see your blog too.)