2008년 3월 12일 수요일

I know this light can't be lasting for ever.

(click 'play',please!)
Can you hear?Can you hear a song?
I was listening to this song.
byul(literally it means 'the star)-blue light bulb
and There's a line goes like-
'This blue light between us.I know it can't be lasting forever.
but I keep on saying I love you I love you for ever.'

It's a dry,lonely,empty love song.
very poetic,too.
In life,we meet many people.And We're in love with moments.Not with people.
That's what I felt from the song..
People say love too easily.Even in situations their hearts don't say so.

So I chose to draw girl&boy.Purer,younger and naiver.

(click the image to see it bigger)
Pencil sketch.
I was in love with this sketch,actually-,.-
The boy's hand,eyes,The girl's gesture and the song.

(click the image to see it bigger)
For the first time,I want to color this.
They need a blue light.
If I success,I'll post it again.
If I fail,I'll hide it perfectly.yeahie!I'm a genius!!

ps-I don't know why but I can't stop seeing this post again and again.
Is it because of the song?or Am I really in love with those two young sweethearts?

댓글 1개:

Midodok :

Wow, Skitsch! This drawing is really great! I think you can't fully appreciate the drawing unless you click on it and see the detail close up. I always like the way you draw hair!