I've only been to the UK and Tokyo.
After my dad passed away I started to dream of London.
Before my first long journey I chose Tokyo for visit.
My boyfriend at the moment was Japanese,was in Tokyo.
It was August of 2003,then 7months after I went to London.
I wanted to live there.But I just had travel visa,really hated to study English.
(If I was a student,there were possibilities to stay.)
So I started to teach Korean/Japanese kids piano to save money but the city is famous for its expensiveness.(means that I couldn't live there without real jobs)
I lived there for almost 6months,from the end of March to the middle of September.
During summer there're lots of music festivals there.
I really,really,really wanted to go to Glastonbusy Festival but the ticket price wasn't a thing I could afford.
They showed it live on air,and me and my friend Aeran holded eachother's hands and swore-We should come back and must be there.
5years passed.during then we went to Tokyo again and traveled our country but didn't forget the day we made up our mind.
This year,I'll be there.
Still very excited and nervous and worried and anticipated.

pencil sketch of me waiting for airport limousine

I'll be texting to friends.and will be looked exactly like that.
Oh.and actually I'm taking my cellphone with me.
Calling on the phone is too expensive but I can get/send text messages.
(which is 300won per sms)
Well..If you're dying to hear my voice,give me a call.
If you do and I get,you just pay domestic fee.
I pay the overseas fee.eh.That's how it works.
I want to be free from phones but also don't want to miss my friend in the foreign huge mud field.
I'm glad that the limousine stop isn't far from my house.

Yea.weather.It's the biggest concern.
Whether it's bad or not,I will have great time!!!

I still have this empty note for drawings of people I met in London.
It's blank and that means I met lots of people but I forgot the note for a long time.

And a drawing I did in London.
oh.well.someday I could talk about its full story.about a depressed youth.
My friends,lovers,foes,everyone.
I'll be back on the 5th of July.
I'm bringing notes,sketchbook(named skitschbook) so wish me good luck with the weather,everything.And then I could come back with much more interesting ideas,drawings.
see you in July.
I'll be missing you!