2008년 6월 22일 일요일

Oh,(one of my)old lost sketchbook(s)!

While I was packing,I accidentally found a sketchbook!
I used to write dates after I draw things so I noticed that its from 1999~2000!!
Those days,I was so young and was with Oi,Sundive,Minjoon,GwangJae,brother Wang,Jowoo..

I made few stories about people relationships,life.
And I drew them on this note.
(I was a very serious kid..what would younger me say if she see how I am now?I know the answer.'I've grown up as I hated!'-I'm too silly for me from the past)

This girl's name is 'Hye Yeon'혜연.
She's a middleschool girl,but looks much mature than the other girls.
In her school,bullying is very common but her character was too unique to be bullied or bully other girls.
It's a story about two isolated girls.(which are very different from eachother)
And how to communicate different ways.

I drew the moment when Sundive(friend of mine) met ****(I forgot his name).
I hadn't seen her face shine like that.
And I first thought that 'that's what people call love!'

Sometimes I think I could draw better than now.
I was able to draw like this!9years before!
And I could use other different tools!
Anyways I wrote these lines below this drawing.
'Among things I call 'mine',how many of them are mine?
aren't they just things I obtained(from others)?then,where are 'mine'?'
I was worrying about originality.And I still worry but I realized,
I'll live life like this-worry and wonder and try to find mine.
Then someday,I think I could get real realizations.

Hmm...younger me might not hate me.
She's still in me.

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