2009년 3월 24일 화요일





1)Sunblock scent-
When I was a kid,mom used to rub sunblock over my face before I go out and play.
I hated it,'cause it smelled like chemicals.(and I also didn't like that unnatural whitish color.)
Since the weather gets warm,I remembered that somebody told me I better wear sunblocks everyday.
So I did,and that reminded me of the sunblock I hated more than 20years ago.

2)A sign of Spring-
My mom loves freesia.As I know,freesia is mom's only favorite.
She loves the color and the scent of it,so when she smells the flower,she smiles like a teenage girl.
I like yellow.I don't really know about flowers.
But I love to see her smile.
So I buy and put them in a vase.

3)Walts of spring-
This guy called 이승열'Yi Sung Yol',makes me feel blessed.
I'm lucky to speak Korean since he sings and speaks Korean.
He's a Korean singer song writer.
He had a concert named 'walts of spring' for 4 days.
I went to his concert 2 times,(though I wanted to go all 4days)and had to work 2 all nights.

One of the reason I don't like winter is too many clothes,but there's one scarf I like(which is too light for winter.)
Wearing this scarf means that spring came.

I'm dragging my feet,my back hurts,my hair is a mess but.
It's spring.
I might look tired and sleepy but inside of me,I'm very delightful.

Me from 20~21years ago.

The entrance of my apartment.small golden bells.lovely yellow.

댓글 3개:

j :

ah yes! spring is finally here!! it snowed a couple days ago here (canada) but it was really nice out today.
anyway, i checked out the other roller coaster song, pretty good! is there a big indie scene in korea? my friend (she lived in korea until she was 15) told me that hongdae is the best place for indie music and live shows. i'm going to korea this summer, and i'm definately going to check it out! so excited.
happy spring!

ejing :

그새 summer..님도 4월은 포스팅 부재의 달이구만

skitsch :

Oh sorry for late reply!I didn't know that you're in Canada!
Yea Hongdae is the best place to hit the live clubs and (of course)dance clubs!!what kinda music are you into?if you come to Korea,maybe we can have drinks together.hahaha.just let me know when you come!