I'm back from super busy crazy days.
The festival held on the 3rd and 4th.
The 1st day's weather was so nice.no cloud,no rain.
It was a very lovely early summer day.

This is my first stencil.
I haven't thought that I could done it but it was so fun!
You'll be seeing my stamps on the street very soon&often.

Second stencil.
I love the line.'waste the youth!'
Though I'm losing it.maybe already lost it.

We couldn't do things we prepared.
There were lots of conditions like-
Don't draw with tools which won't be erased naturally,Don't draw on the marquee,Don't draw on the sets.(But actually those were my dreamt canvas.)
So we decided to draw on a narrow road with chalks.
This is my first drawing.Smoke kills me not you.
(I hate that warning!Smoke kills!I know.and we all are dying.)

And this fun-loving smoker loved it!
Probably he was the most popular subject for the moment.

Mr.P invaded my drawing.Mr.P is my friend and doesn't want to show who he is.

Do your thing!!How you dare!!

Skitsch is scribbling on the street!
She's writing something about drinking this time!

EJing and Mr.P collaborated.

Ejing&Mr.P collaborated again.
It was really fun to see them drawing together.
You'll see why with another photos!

Actually Mr.P was my one day assistant.
He carried my HEAVY bag silently So I was very happy with it.

Ejing is my youngest friend.A design school senior student.
These mountains are her latest design she said.
She's really cute&cheeky.And most of her stuffs are cute and bright.

Since I wanted to draw on the street,I wanted to see this.
People stepping on mine and then my drawing can be a part of the street.

This isn't my favorite.I didn't even colored it.But the message was..
Isn't it so me?!
She's reaching her hand towards him but saying 'no'.while he's just standing saying 'yes'.

Shy trio.the top:Mr.P,left:Skitsch,right:EJing.
Yea,It's almost dark and we had FUN!!

Mr.P left us earlier.While we were waiting for the next DJ stage,I drew on the sketchbook.

I was drawing this.
When I'm alone,I can't stop thinking about 'you'.
But also I'm having so much fun without having you by my side.
I sighed and smiled once again.

And I drew EJing.And she loved them.

Ejing's DJing drawing on the wall.
What she wrote in Korean is 'DJing'.

And my drawing on the wall.
Have a little faith in me~
Come on baby!have a little faith in me~~

And I met this guy from Canada.
He's a Graffiti writer&hockey player.
I was resting my leg in our marquee and suddenly he came in and started to write this.
First I thought 'eh.another drunken foreigner~'then I thought 'Oh.this guy knows what he's doing!'
I hope that I could see more of his art.
You know that I'm really interested in street arts.
Eh?You didn't know?ok.I'll show you later!

And the next day's weather sucked.cold,rainy,so on.
We didn't bring anything else just chalks and crayons.

But this time they gave us this panel to draw.
Everything wasn't right but we tried.
But suddenly rain came harder so we coulnd't help coming inside of cozy marquee.

Anyways,We had fun,EJing.right?
Though Mr.P couldnt make it Sunday.
댓글 10개:
Great photos!
Thanks for sharing with
readers of your blog like me :-)
I thank you!
Because of you I try to upload them fully!
How was weekend?
My weekend was relaxing.
Thanks for asking!
But not nearly as fun
as your weekend.
It really looks like you
all had a great time.
Great artwork! I really wish I could have been there in person to see it. (T_T) So, when will we hang out again??
you should buy me dinner!
I like the drawings of EJing.
Now she's become one of your
Does she feel trapped
in that 2-dimensional
ahahahaha yea and you know what?
she enjoys it!
I don't know why but she's always so cute to me.
When I see her,I feel like i'm seeing another possibility of my past.
Just my opinion but,
you're both cute!
(that's a compliment)
People talk about the
possibility of a future
but I don't recall hearing
someone talk about the
possibility of a past.
That's a unique point of view
Not all the possible futures
but all the possible pasts.
(well..thanks!I haven't heard the word cute from someone older than me-yea..you're older than me..right?-recently.)
I think living life is a deleting process.
we're erasing possibilities everyday in the name of choice.
..Sounds weird,huh?
I love the way you write.
And also love the way you suggest me to think and answer.
Thank you! Yes, I am older.
No, that doesn't sound weird.
I think there is something
to it and it's one of many
ways of looking at life.
Yes, we make choices every
day. It's like deciding which
way to go at a fork in a road.
Does the road fork forever?
Or do we run out of choices
eventually and just find
ourselves on one long, lonely
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